Maybe you’re one of the many businesses out there still standing on the precipice of social networking.  Maybe you use it personally and are hesitating on making the jump for business use.  Here are a couple of reasons why hiring a social media manager might be what you need to get started.

  1. You KNOW social media is important to your business, but don’t know how to start or implement it.  You catch articles here and there, maybe a webinar and it has all become overwhelming.  It got you to throw up a quick Facebook page, but it only has likes from your family.  You’re starting to wonder if social media is just another hyped, time-sucking tool.
  2. You’re too busy working your business.  Like most business owners, you wear multiple hats – adding a new one does not sound like fun to you.  You pride your business reputation and would like to do it right, but don’t seem to have the time to learn a whole new skill.
  3. You think you’ll have to hire a new employee – and all the expenses that come with that.  Not necessarily.  There are many digital marketing companies that are more than willing to work on behalf of your business for a fee.  No benefits, health insurance, scheduling or training necessary.  Maybe you have a current employee who might be interested in managing it for you.  You should still talk to a consultant to make sure you know what needs to be in place before pulling the trigger – like social media policies, strategies and training.

Hopefully, by now, you understand the importance of social media to your business.  If not, let me run through a few nielson_sm_minutesstatistics to help jog your memory.

  • One in three social media users prefer customer support via social networks than by phone
  • People spend 121.1 billion minutes on social media last year
  • More people spend time on social networks than any other category of sites
  • 14% of users make a purchase after seeing an ad on a social network

This is something important that you can’t shrug off for your business.   Here’s why having an experienced social media manager is important.  I encourage you to not let the above reasons (or any others) get in the way of you using social media for business TODAY.

[button-green url=”” target=”_self” position=”left”] Contact us for a FREE social media consultation! [/button-green]