Today I want to talk about developing a digital marketing strategy.  Strategy is a critical piece when doing any marketing yet a lot of businesses fail to do it.  We we’re going to spend a little time discussing some things to think about when launching a digital marketing and even offline marketing campaign.

Who are you marketing to anyway?chess

This is the first question you should ask.  Who is your “target market” or “ideal client”?  You could have more than one and that’s alright.  You just want to make sure you only target one in a single marketing campaign.  If you don’t know who your market is, it makes it harder to figure out the next part.

What are their needs and pain points?

What are you future clients looking for?  What makes them look for a company like yours?  What sells them on your company? Not sure?  Ask your current clients these questions. When you know what your future clients needs are and what they are looking for in the way of a solution, you can better present yourself as that solution in the language and terms they are searching for.

Where are they searching?

Now you’re getting somewhere.  With the above information you can take it a step further and ask where those clients look for solutions.  Maybe they need a mailer directly to their storefront. Or in an industry magazine or newsletter. Maybe they’re asking their friends or business associates on a social network. Or maybe they’re just doing a simple Google search.  Wherever they’re looking, BE THERE with the answer.

We can probably drill down even more, but the above will get you a long way when it comes to digital marketing strategy.  We’ve covered the various forms of digital marketing, but none of that matters if it is not directed by strategy.  Once this heavy lifting has been tackled, pumping out the content in digestible formats for your future clients is almost a no-brainer.

Need help?

Zig !t Marketing can help you work through the strategy session so that your marketing can be on-point and effective.  Call us at 419-318-9881 to set-up a free consultation.